By Sean O'Carroll Wednesday, December 4, 2024
The Clurichaun Gets Lost In A Grocery Store
While I was gallivanting around in Armonk, I realized dinner was approaching. I had nothing to prepare for the evening. I walked through the town plaza to the Decicco and Sons. I began browsing the aisles in search of what to make myself for dinner. I came across their beer aisle, and the massive selection floored me. From local and regional breweries to international favorites, I'm reminded of that feeling of being in City Swiggers.
I must have spent nearly thirty minutes slowly examining each refrigerator, recognizing some local favorites, breweries I have visited, and ones I have never heard of. There was a section where you could pick out individual cans, then cans of 4 packs, then your standard six packs. You can tell how carefully curated the beer department is. What caught my attention was that DeCicco and Sons collaborated with a familiar brewery to make an Italian Pilsner. I decided to grab this collaboration and make pasta for dinner.
As I turned the corner to head to the pasta section, I came across a staircase labeled each step with a different brewery. My curiosity led me to follow the steps and discover their bottled conditioned section. Here, I found all sorts of barrel-aged imperial stouts, barley wines, and imported bottles. There were couches and a TV set up playing a college basketball game. A bar was set up in another room with numerous taps, and other customers enjoyed a mid-shopping brew. I will have to revisit when I am not so focused on dinner.
A Dynamic Pairing: A Grocery Store and Two Breweries
Decicco's, Three's Brewing, and Oxbow Brewing Company created "Yes And", a foeder-fermented Italian pilsner. The name comes from improv, which means accepting and building on what exists. This brew spent 4 weeks in oak with German Saphir hops and whole-leaf American Saaz. Coming in at a 5.3% ABV, I poured the pint can into a glass mason to the typical clear, bright golden hue one would expect from a pilsner. There are florally hops in the aromatics. "Yes And" has a balanced hoppy taste with a hint of lemon that lays over challah bread like sweetness from the malts. This is very light-bodied, with a decent amount of carbonation. Crisp and refreshing, "Yes And" is an easy drinker that I paired with spaghetti and meatballs.